Sunday, August 30, 2009

By Myself

there is a fine line for me between taking care of myself and being alone...and isolation. i can extract myself from the world and hang out in my studio for days...with little contact with the outside world. what i know to be true for me is that isolation can be a dangerous place...yet my studio is so healthy for me...hmmm...balance? i also know that i need other people to inspire me...spiritually, physically and emotionally. so for today i will try to find the balance of being alone in a healthy way...and being alone in a non-healthy way.


  1. Like you, I like being alone in my studio, but it's rare that I'm "alone" most of the time. I'm looking forward to this Thanksgiving since my husband will be away for a week to visit his son and grandchildren in Houston. I will celebrate the holiday at my brother's home, taking my mother with me up to Las Cruces, NM, but after that, it's my time and I utilize it greatly...I get a lot of my Christmas gifts done in that time, so I'm very busy, listening to music and have my 2 little Chihuahuas sleeping right next to my work that's what I would call a healthy balance of pure solace. Enjoy it.

  2. i know exactly what you mean....i can be up here in my studio for days and leave only for food and water (i'm thinking about installing a refrigerator up just kidding!). balance is definitely something that i'm working on..... :)


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