Wednesday, May 4, 2011

a commission job from a four year old!

a few weeks ago i was invited to a co-worker's daughter's birthday party....i was specifically invited by the darling 'to-be-four' year old...well....i am not so into store bought gifts so i told the mom that i was going to make her daughter something....'well', i was informed, 'she is into unicorns and that is about all'...hmmmm....never having made a unicorn....i was ready for the challenge....i used my usual 'patch style' and created a unicorn full of personality....(unfortunately i gave it away before i took a picture)...she LOVED it and has ordered a black horse to keep the unicorn company....she sleeps with unicorn every night....i am soooo is the black horse...the mane and tail are a fun purple but show up blue in the photo....i cannot wait to deliver the horse to the four year girl....


  1. adorable...take a photo of the new couple...uni and pony!!!

  2. I love that a 4 year old knows her mind so well-kids these days!!!!


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