Monday, February 7, 2011

"A Remarkable Peaceful Journey" mixed media class

i am teaching a mixed media class here in benicia starting wednesday night. Kelly Rae Roberts has been such an inspiration to me, and i am using some of her techniques in the classroom.....thank you Kelly Rae. i am very excited to share these simple techniques with others....before i tried Kelly Rae's great tips, i could not draw a!
we are starting out the class by answering three questions

1. I feel fearless and creative when.

2. I am afraid to make mistakes in my creative art work because..

3. If I were not afraid, I would…


  1. Oh my, I am up that way tomorrow, and wish I could rearrange go up on Wednesday and stay do a night class. Rats!!

  2. I soooooooo want to take this. Let me know if you do it again in the summer!

  3. I hope you offer this class again. I have been waiting for a class in mixed media but would have to miss too many this go around.


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