Monday, January 25, 2010

life is different right now

just got back from my arizona trip. my life will never be the same. my mother passed away on january 11th...i went to arizona to help my stepfather, father and sisters through a rough time. then ten days later, while i was still there, my stepmother passed away. my life just got tossed into a cuisinart. wow...i just became a grownup grownup! i helped my dad to the best of my ability and now i am home. i need two of to stay in arizona and help my dad and one to be here in california and help with the daily life here with my immediate family. it does not feel right to be home....but i am up, showered, cared for the animals and away i go to work. peace be to you today!


  1. So day at a time. You are in my thoughts.

  2. Lorri,

    I'm so very sorry to hear about your lose. It's so hard to deal with such things and go back to leading a "normal" life, but trust me, you'll be fine. Just take one day at a time, one step at a time, one moment at a time. And cry when you feel like it. My dad passed away a year ago and it's still very painful, but thankfully, I do have a real life and that has been our serenity. Take care, God bless and know there are people out there who are thinking and praying for you.


  3. I am so sorry to hear of your losses dear one! I shall be praying for you and your family. I lost my Mom 12 years ago and I miss her still. Somehow as an adult I felt like an orphan and didn't relish the role of 'grown up'. It's a strange feeling to realize you are now the head of the family.

  4. i'm glad you're back home safely now......but i'm so sorry to hear of your additional loss. when my life gets turned upside down as yours is now, i remember what a friend of mine told me to do: be here now.
    when things start getting difficult, just try to "be here now"....i hope it helps. in the meantime, my arms are around you.... :))

  5. I'm so sorry about all of your losses and that your time with your father was so short. My heart goes out to you my friend I am praying for you and your family. I miss you. Lorrie


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