Thursday, November 1, 2012

playing with mixed media....just for the heck of it!

i bought the recent 'workshop' magazine because i fell in love with the piece on the cover.  i love the 'workshop' gives all the instructions how to create the mixed media pieces...and goodness knows i love to play with new ideas...but low and behold...there were no instructions on the particular piece that i wanted to make...arg...soooo...last night i got out some fun materials and just went for it!  do i love this piece?  oh yes i do!  the way the woman looks so prim and proper...yet she does have another side to her!  don't we all?  
today i have another busy day with my little job, a haircut, acupuncture for this darned back and the kids over for dinner...i need to carve out some play time as well...the play time keeps me balanced so that my horns are not so big or sharp today!
Play in not number one on the to-do list...but it is there!
have a great rainy thursday!!


  1. looks like Lynn Whipple's stuff, love it! I am so happy you are coming to Open Studios and we can create together! xoxo

  2. it is Lynn Whipple's stuff....i love her stuff!!!
    yay....playtime together!!


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