If you have never worked the 'artist's way' by julia cameron, i highly recommend it! i get together with several female artists every saturday morning and we are supporting each other on the journey.
we have just started week 4 and it is 'reading deprivation' week...i am not a big reader so that is not a time sucker for me...but the internet? not there is someplace i can spend hours...hmmmm....so that is what i am giving up for one week....yep....no internet! i have done this before and it is amazingly freeing! so....no blog posts until next monday!
but before i go....check out this amazing blog...seth has put together an online show...it has been picked up by somerset magazine too! wow!!! artists are truly focused...regardless of what they think...it takes alot of focus to create, expose and share our art...i LOVE being an artist!!
have a great week and i will have lots to post next monday!
7 years ago
Ooohhhh What's the link? I wanna see it!!!!