Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Gonna try this again!

I have gotten away from blogging and I have been using Facebook is easy and I am a time efficient kind of girl....but someone from Tennessee wanted to see some of my work...and purchase some...and, duh...I had no body of work to show her...arg!   Nice marketing right?   Soooo...I had best to get back into the seing of things....
Yesterday...and this is not art related...I was able to meet my unborn grqndchild...the first ultrasound...and 3D ultra sound to boot....that I had very seen...the room was filled with people that love my son Travis and his honey girl Angel...with a huge screen...and we all watched the baby hiccup, move, stretch and yawn.   We watched intently while 'the boy stuff' was identified...and clapped furiously!   It was an amazing event and happened to fall on Travis' 31st birthday...
As if that weren't enough, I got to go over, Thai Food in tow, and enjoy a wonderful dinner with them...and their dog Frankie, who will be kicked off the bed soon and replaced by a bouncing, baby boy...but I am not going to be the one to tell Frankie that!
I gave Travis an art piece titled 'Fly my Son'
I woke up soooo grateful today...
Thanks everyone for the support!
Hope yr holidays are feeling merry!


  1. I know what you mean, Lorri. I too am exclusively using FB, but I had not been able to access my blog...a blogger and yahoo glitch that still in the works..OEY!!! So I do blog now and again, but let's face it, hon, FB is, as you say, more efficient and more people can see your work.

    Congrats on the coming of your little exciting. I laughed at your comment about his boy junk. I recall when I went with my daughter to her ultra-sound appointment, she cried when we could see proof of a little guy. She wanted a little girl!! Anyway, 13 years and five kids later, she has her little girl, the youngest of 4 boys. I told her before our Zoe was born, she would either be a total tomboy or a total girly-girl...she's a tough, no-nonsense girly girl!! LOL

    Again, congrats and I love your art piece.


  2. Love the use of a blog! And I look forward to seeing more of your stuff!

  3. Wow I am so excited for you and Congradulations on the up coming new baby boy ;-)) My youngest grandson is 9 months .. Nothing any more precious ... Your Art piece for Travis is wonderful ! You are a great Artist !! I was like, hmmmm is she talking about me ,Tennessee ...funny ! I am so impressed with overall image of your creativity ... Can't wait to see more ..


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