Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Up for the challenge?

so....i was walking with a friend last week and she was sharing with me that she knew of someone that was purging...one day at a time...for a month.  The 1st day of the month she got rid of 1 thing, the 2nd day of the month, she got rid of 2 things...this continued to the end of the month...getting rid of 31 things on the last day!
what?!  that is right up my alley....
so...starting today i have gotten rid of one thing...a top that just did not fit quite right.
I will keep you posted on a daily basis as to what is leaving the Jenkins' Casa.
I will be gifting to friends that might enjoy what i have not enjoyed.....I will be donating to a Charity of my choice...or I will be just plain old, tossing it in the trash..just depends of the item.
would love to hear if you are up for joining me on this 'Purging Challenge'!

August 1st- 1 Top


  1. Maybe...can i just watch for a few days!!! I am such a packrat!!!

    1. ha ha....good idea! the first few days should be easy...a broken can opener, a worn out toothbrush....a pair of pants that never leave the closet!

  2. Count me in!... I'm going go find one thing right now!... love this LM!... thank you ❤️

    1. great...cuz i am bringing the top to you that i got rid of today! tee hee!

  3. Yes, I need to do this. Can you suggest some places for clothing?

    1. Goodwill, Salvation Army, we even have clothing drops in the Target parking lot...

  4. I need to purge my studio. I'll start putting things out in front with a free sign attached.

    1. best way ever to share....we have a frequent free pile at the end of our driveway....genius!!!

  5. I'm guessing you did a lot of this when you moved a few years back? Great idea, I'm in the mood to "travel light" :-)

    1. yeppers...not having any trouble finding stuff to purge tho....ha ha

  6. I would love to join, I just need a daily nudge!


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