it is beyond wonderful to experience another culture....their way of life...their history! we have had a driver here in Siem Reap...what a blessing!
this is the 'lotus flower' step that is found throughout this temple. it is said that when Buddha was born...he could walk on the lotus flowers.
many of the sculptures have been vandalized...i still find them intriguing...see the holes in the back of this platform? they held up a wooden structure but of course have disintegrated with time...leaving behind the memory.
this is a sculpture called 'linga' represents the male...that one is obvious....and the female...water is poured over the male and when the water pours off the statue it is considered holy water.
these large blocks were floated down the river on bamboo rafts... larger block shows the holes that ropes were put through so that the elephants could drag the blocks to the building site....i cannot even imagine how heavy each block is...
this temple was created with a cheaper rock/stone...they are smaller and they have eroded faster than the above sandstone...
very hard to see....and my finger is in the way...sorry....but this is a temple where the king received his 'treatments'...the english translation is 'hospital'....the kind went here for his sauna treatments....hardly a hospital in my world!
and this is nature reclaiming its ground....just beautiful!
and...last but NOT about 3 frogs for $1....a great addition to our 'local food' picnic!
we have had an amazing time....we will visit more sites today and then start our long journey home...
thanks for coming has been wonderful to be able to share my experiences with you!
7 years ago
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