Wednesday, October 11, 2017

it is not as bad as i think.....

so....i had mentioned in a past blog that i was obsessing over a 'thumbs down'...that is right....over 7,000 views...and one 'thumbs down' was what i was concentrating on?  really?  well....i got over it...haven't given it a thought since the day i wrote the blog....or shortly there after.... i got an adorable email from one of my subscribers....she was apologizing for hitting the 'thumbs down' button by mistake....and then she could not figure out how to fix THAT is adorable! poor thing...she felt so bad...
sweet, right?
moral of the story?
it is not always as bad as i think it is....usually it is much better!
thank you everyone for coming along on my process...


  1. Thanks for understanding. I feel so much better.Thanks for the mention on your blog. It made me smile and I needed that today. I still am working on my altered book
    and I am having so much fun. Some pages aren't turning out the way I would like, and the collage pages are a disaster,but I still love it! You are a super teacher!

    1. and you are a wonder woman! keep having fun! it will make sense and turn beautiful soon!!!!


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