Sunday, September 30, 2012

recycle, repurpose, reuse...ok...

i am dying to go out and buy some new fabric for these fun dolls...but i have so much fabric to repurpose that i do not dare become a crazy consumer now...arg!  plus i know it is better all around for me to use the resources at hand...double arg!  so i have enough fabric to make about 100 of these art dolls and i am truly grateful for the fabric and for the chance to creative souls we need to protect our environment...yipppeee....and these art dolls are repurposed book pages (from previous projects) and fabric...ok..i am feeling much better about the whole thing now...
thanks for letting me feel sorry for myself for a minute or too!
off to play with a friend today and play with shrink sheets...what?  shrink sheets?  like in shrinky dinks?  yes indeed....i will post tomorrow if something turns out that is blog worthy!
have a delicious sunday!


  1. can't wait to see so in love with your newest creations..
    merci, lana cano kloch

  2. you are amazing my french speaking mon ami!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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