Friday, April 7, 2017

Before and After....the Power Went out!

The excitement never ends....last night in our mixed media class...the wind was howling...the rain went from a romantic drizzle to a frightening downpour!  Oh no....then the lights are safe!  we can still play...then the lights safe to play...then...the lights was it!  we were left holding our brushes, a foot on the sewing machine pedal, delicately placing our the dark!
We tried to wait it out, but there was no light in sight...slowly everyone packed up in the glow of their phone flashlights....and they were gone!  i was left with messy saran wrap, gesso brushes, and ephemera bits.... remnants of the fun we were having!
I will go to the studio tomorrow to pick up the pieces.
Never a dull moment in the world of mixed media...and 'Letting Go'...right?


  1. Oh no! The life of an artist is never dull...

  2. Fighting thru the bumps in life, good for y'all!


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