Thursday, March 15, 2018

san pancho, we come!

that is right!  we still have a couple of openings but....i have my ticket and my bungalow reservation!  yahoo!
today is the last day for enrollment for this 'once in a life time' workshop!  we are going to have tables set up on the beach, under the palm trees at a cantina (with bottomless bowls of chips and guacamole!) how can you resist?
i will be taking all the supplies except your book, focal points, scissors and DID just get better!
we are flying in PV, mexico and taking a shuttle to our sweet evening to settle in and then....a morning meditation and a day of fun....oh....and then throw in some street tacos and a walk on the beach at sunset....enough...enough...enough!
the 4 day workshop is $400 and if you bunk up with someone in a bungalow it is $50 a night...
i hope you decide to join us....we are going to have 'Mucha diversión'
Mixed Media Altered Book Workshop
San Pancho, Mexico
w/ LorriMarie
May 26th-30th
Four fun filled days of adding a pockets, windows, secret doors and more to your altered art book at the poolside of
Roberto’s Bungalow’s
Pancho, Mexico

  • we will start our days with an optional quiet mediation
  • ‘play and learn on the beach’ 9-12 work with altered book techniques
  • two hour siesta to visit local eateries and nap
  • more ‘play and learn’ 2-5
  • enjoy yoga, get to know the town, eat street tacos and... how about a walk on the beach at sunset
    pack up a book and your sunscreen! i will provide most of the supplies! $400 class fee/$50 deposit/balance due March 15th limited enrollment
    for more class info. contact
    for more info. about Roberto’s visit their website 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

100 videos...let's celebrate!

i have been creating youtube videos for a bit over one year....i call our group of like minded people 'our village'...and 'our village' and i are celebrating 100 videos!
what an incredible journey....keeping an open mind and an open heart....this journey has taken me all over the spirit that is...
i am enjoying 'new friends' all over the is way more than i expected...WAY  more...and i remain grateful....and humbled...
i burp on screen, i forget the names of things, i wear the same clothes 3 days in a row, i hold things upside down, i record an empty table top....but...we have sooooo much fun...we laugh together...constantly!  we giggle like children when i say 'underpants'!  'LMAO' as one villager stated it!
since i am not buying new supplies (unless necessary)...i am digging deeply into my inventory of 'collectibles'....what a great exercise in 'use what you have'.!  and i share....oh yes...i share!  i send little love letters to my contributors...filled with...yes....#underpants....
many of the 'villagers' have contributed to my that IS think that someone ;
a.takes the time to watch the vides
b.takes the time to leave a comment
c.takes the time to go through and contribute money....from all over the world!!!
well....enough of the rambling....
i just wanted to say....thank you for a successful year on YouTube....and in celebration....i am hosting a 'lottery drawing' tonight...more info?  watch the 100th video!!!  LMAO...
with gratitude,

Thursday, March 1, 2018

a smile, a kind word, a piece of art...

I hope you don't mind me posting this on here LorriMarie Jenkins, I just want to thank you, after my stepdad died, my mother had cancer and lost all interest in her art, and life really, but since she found you a few months ago on you tube, we have our old mum back, now she is up at the break of day, in her craft room, playing and creating, you are an inspiration and we can't thank you enough.
this is a post that showed up on my FB a few days ago...precious beyond brought tears of gratitude to my made my heart nearly explode with a deep sense of joy that i can reach across and around the world with my playfulness...
a fine artist i am not....don't even pretend to be...i do not even know how to stay in the box and behave myself!  i play as much as possible...i keep my nose out of politics ...and...i make a difference!  
to all those out there that are NOT fine artists....we are all making this world a better create, go play, go have fun....we do make a difference!!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

so once again, the universe answered my question!

i love teaching art...anyone that knows me knows that i love teaching art!  (the art of letting go too)
i have tutorials on my YouTube channel....i teach mixed media classes and altered book classes in the bay area....i have pop up classes life? i love it!
it was suggested to me to get more information on teaching an 'on-line' class....hmmmmm...sounds like a good 'attended' a webinar on how to launch and charge for 'on-line' courses...
i have quite a following on YouTube and i love being able to share with people all over the world...i feel loyalty to my subscribers..and yet....i love being able to pay my bills...yep...a dilema!
solution?  well....i talked to 'handsome hubby'...i put it out there for the universe that i needed some help...and...guess what?!
a YouTube subscriber suggested that i start a PayPal/Me account where people could make contributions if they chose to do so....wowza!  thank you UNIVERSE!  i cannot say that it has been has been put myself out there....yep...scary!  but you know what?  'my village' has contributed....generously contributed!  i am blessed indeed!
thank you everyone....EVERYONE...that has held me up through the growing pains (or is that pangs) of developing the tutorials...expanding my exposure via YouTube...keeping it available across the world!  i would not have it any different....
i remain grateful!  see you on the table!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

so why am i doing it?

well.....i have received my first 'hate mail' has been about a week and i am so happy to say that it did not knock me off my that is progress....
what i took away from the 'comment' was, this person was unhappy with the way i was promoting my YouTube make money....
there are a few reasons i am so active on my YouTube channel.....

  1. i love to share my ideas
  2. i love inspiring artists
  3. i love showing my 'humaness' so that others can do the same
  4. i love communicating with other playful souls
  5. i love to pay my bills......
so.....that being said....i do appreciate the feedback that i receive from my subscribers.  i have had one subscriber that has requested i do a video and have all the links to amazon in one that is alphabetized list of supplies?  i would like that...i look at that as an opportunity to make life easier for those that are looking for a product....of course, now i am a bit 'gun-shy' i receive a bit of $$ from amazon?  yes i do...i received a $40 gift card for the past month...and i love that...but clearly i am not posting the links so that i can pay off my mortgage, right?
i am on the fence about the video promoting products...ANY feedback is welcome....
thank you for your support....
see you on the table!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

well....i am doing it!

i seem to be a goal setter....or maybe that should be 'challenge' setter!  i had set a personal goal to have a fun 'retreat' for my artist buddies....first thought was a cruise...second thought, a warm place to play and relax....
we have some friends that have some bungalows in san pancho, mexico...what?  perfect!
so...before those 'voices' could tell me...."now, that is a stupid idea"...."you will never make that work", and "nobody is going to want to do that"....
i put the word out there....i have made my reservations...yep....i am doing it!
May 25th-May 30th....a 4 day 'altered book' adventure in mexico...what?  yep...i am doing it!  i am so excited, i could just jump out of my skin!
Roberto's has 5 bungalows...5 minutes to the beach...a pool...double beds $120 a night to be by yourself or $60 and snuggle with a friend...i am going to be snuggling with a friend!
here is the website for Roberto's...i cannot wait!!!!!!
the cost of the 4 day workshop is $400 and includes most of the materials....
you will want to bring your own focal points, scissors, favorite brush etc...but it is always fun to play with someone else's 'ephemera'...right?
visit Roberto's website...and tell me you don't get excited!!!
i know I AM!
i hope you can join me on the SAN PANCHO, MEXICO!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

want vs. need....2018

handsome hubby and i have agreed to do an entire year of mindfulness around our commercialism....Want vs. Need. about being in the moment!
of course his needs are different than my needs are different than his.  soooo...if i have something truly in the 'need' column...i am free to act upon that....and yes...that plays out for him the same way....
but....what if we are not sure if it is a 'want' or a 'need'?
then we sit down together and discuss it....
example...."cute black shoes...i love them"...discussion...."do you 'need' some black shoes?" ..."well, i have 2 pair of black shoes"...hmmmmm....i guess those cute black shoes fall into the 'want' category....
open, honest and vulnerable?  you betcha!  
so far it has been 'fun'....i will check back in around June to let you know how it is going!
have a great day...and may all your 'needs' be fulfilled!

Monday, January 22, 2018

That 'Ugly Duckling Stage'

have we talked about this before?
how do you know a piece is done?
have we talked about this before too?
i just published a video on YouTube....normally i create a 'practice piece' and then....keeping in mind the things i would like to change...create the 'same' piece on camera..... of my viewers expressed interest in viewing the 'whole process'...(that is to be said in a creepy count dracula voice, ok?)  so...i did!  wowza...what an experience!  i created the piece...totally safety net!  i made alot of changes along the i usually the privacy of my own studio....this was way scary!
anyway....i finished the piece...not happy tho...but the video was made and i was not going to redo it...brave, right?
went to bed....keeping in mind here that i was not happy with the piece that i was about to release to the world...sleep?  not so much!  i 'woke up' the next day...a bit nauseous, really....looked at the piece again, hoping i would be happier with it in the morning light....nope!  so....what to was 'stuck' in the 'Ugly Duckling Stage'..(count dracula voice again, please) i sat down...felt the piece....and finished it....
ta da!  what an amazing chunky, grungy 'City Scape' collage!  LOVE IT!
i guess my point is...every piece will go through the ugly duckling stage.....don't give up until the miracle happens....and your spirit (and your belly) will tell you when the piece is done...
thank you for coming along on this...sometimes nauseating...journey with me....

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

i have been experiencing something you know....i have been publishing mixed media tutorials on YouTube...i have over 60 videos published and the response has been amazing!  a question is...'why?' such a good question...'why am i teaching mixed media online?'  i am not sure i have a good answer for that, other has just the process of 'doing the next right thing' the mixed media/altered book videos have been born and my little fledglings are testing their wings and flying.  i am only responsible for my part in this....i make mistakes, i don't make is all part of the process...the part that i seem to have forgotten is that...the more i put myself and my art out there?...the more i put myself out there for people to comment....both supportive and any artist can tell you...'i do not have a choice...i must create and share....otherwise...i will become stale, stagnate and eventually my heART will cease to Whyte says it better than i can....i remain it should be.

“A true vocation calls us out beyond ourselves; breaks our heart in the process and then humbles, simplifies and enlightens us about the hidden, core nature of the work that enticed us in the first place.” 
 David Whyte

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

rainy day blues? i don't think so.....time to clean up the desk in my studio!

handsome hubby has been home for 4 days and i am soooooo tired of being quiet! has forced me to clean up my 'decorated' desk and make a fun collage.  i am getting ready for a new series of mixed media classes, so what better way to start than with a clean desk, right? unexpected gift of cleaning off my workspace (playspace really) is this fun collage piece....we will be making this in our first 'mixed media' class next week.....come on Wednesday!!!!
thank you to all of you that are supporting my YouTube videos....likes, dislikes, comments and shares....they are all counted by YouTube and the more the merrier....someday i will get a paycheck from them, right?
see you on the table!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

2 weeks after Christmas....back in the studio....ah!!!!!!

our little house in vallejo, california has been bubbling over with company!  my sister from malaysia and my niece from china have spent the past 2 weeks with us....what does that mean?  jigsaw puzzles 'til midnight, too many sugary treats, trips to commercial stores, euchre, facial masks and lots of visiting!  wow...yep...a great time was had by all....oh...and then the arrival on a new grandson...everyone made it new year's day for a family meal (accept my son and his family in az...wah)...always lots of laughter when the boys get together!
the downfall?  not much studio time....i find it hard to be creative and grounded when company is here...sooooooo....
yesterday i got up early and played...even made a video....
and today?  up early and studio looks like someone picked it up and shook it....and the creative juices are just as messy...and i am in 'studio heaven'...
company is wonderful...peace and quiet is wonderful....finding the balance?  why yes i am!
go create, go play, go have fun!!!

Friday, December 29, 2017


2017 has been an amazing year for me....the ability to share my artwork all over the world is humbling and rewarding....i dedicate everyday to my higher power and invite 'playfulness' at every turn.
i try not to take myself too seriously and i give other people permission to do the same....if they are interested...
my art classes and my YouTube channel have opened my world....and i love that!
happy new year to all...
be creative...whatever that means in your world...gardening, cooking, writing, drawing, inspiring children...etc..etc...
but most of all....have fun doing it!!!
here is the latest video for an altered book...enjoy!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

meet "Australas"

my journey with my YouTube videos have taken me places that i never expected....far beyond inviting other artists to play on my table. i have created  some friends....a community that i did not have before....a treasure trove of artists with ideas to share, talents that have now been given permission to soar!  it is beyond amazing...oh...and from all over the world!  gifts that i carry in my heart....such support....
and then there is 'Australas' my new muse created by my friend Roseanna!  She arrived in my studio yesterday and she is my kind of girl. she now sits on my shelf, in a birdcage holding a next of real quail eggs!  yep....i am crazy about her....and yes her creator too!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

yesterday far...the best day ever!!!

as usual.....i woke up at 'dark o'clock' in a flurry of excitement for the day...let's go play!  Lynn (one of my YouTube buddies) had requested that i create a video on a certain book cover YouTube buddies keep me on my toes i can tell you!  so....into the 'recording studio' i go with the intention of ....a book cover...
well...meetings, dog walk, laundry and the dentist stop me in my tracks....arg....real life?  blah!
but then...the day catapulted into the best day ever!!!
i had sent a stabilo pencil to a young man in Czech...he was not able to find one in his country and the thought of an artist....without a stabilo?  unthinkable...right?  well....i tossed some ephemera off my desk(...yes, underpants), into the packet a long with the pencil and sewed it shut.  Michal had received it yesterday and created a 'video of gratitude' brought tears to my eyes...he is so sweet...and his art wings are still damp with discovery!
THEN............i tgot an email from Somerset Magazine that they are going to publish 2 of my altered books and want ME to write about them!  OMG...i am so honored!
THEN...i was approached to see if i might want to be a juror for an 'art book gallery show'...what?  could this day get any better?
THEN...i got to get back into my studio to play on the altered book cover...wowza!  a little bit of 'crackle time' and it turned out amazing! (video in the making on this technique)
so....never give up....never surrender....
yep....BEST day ever! 
thank you ALL  for your support....this journey would not be the same without you!!!

Mixed Media Class Schedule-are you local? come play!!!!!

6 week Mixed Media Class
LorriMarie 707-508-5492
‘Letting Go’
January 17th-February 21st 11-1:30
946 Tyler St.
Benicia, Ca. 94510
$110 w/non refundable $20 deposit

Have you always wanted to play with mixed media techniques but did not know where to start? LorriMarie is an internationally known teacher. She is known for her creativity and gentle mentoring in the art world.
during this six week mixed media program you will play (and laugh) with watercolors, acrylics, paper, ink, glue and more! a new project every week with gentle verbal guidance, written instructions so that you can play at home , and a ‘companion’ video that prepares you for class!

6 week Altered Book Class
‘Altered Book Class’ Thursdays
January 18th-February 22nd 6:30-9
946 Tyler St.
Benicia, Ca 94510

$125 w/nonrefundable $20 deposit
LorriMarie will guide you through some techniques...turning an old book into magical entertainment! pockets, add on pages, windows, secret compartments and collage work that will make your jaw drop! a new technique every week for 6 weeks that will draw any observer into your delightful book! you do not want to miss this creative class with verbal guidance, written instructions and a companion video.